


Getting started

How to make the most of your soil type  discusses how to identify and amend six garden soil types.

The Canadian Organic Grower's Organic Field Crop Handbook discusses The Soil Ecosystem.

COG article -Weeds: Don't Shoot the Messenger - what weeds tell you about the condition of your soil. If you don't know what weeds you have, Weeds Canada has photos + the common and latin names for weeds.

If you're concerned about contaminated soil, the Toronto Public Health Guide to Soil Testing in Urban Gardens can help you assess the level of concern and reduce risks. 

Young Agrarians give tips on easy ways to test soil type and nutrient content

TRCA's pollinator guide has a table of common soil problems and organic remedies on page 26.

Digging Deeper

Penn State extension has videos and articles on soil management.

An online soil biology primer by Dr. Elaine Ingham. 

Soil Beneficial Bacteria and Their Role In Plant Growth Promotion - an academic review

Shopping cart

Crooked Farmz offers freshly-brewed aerobic compost teas to improve soil microbial health for home gardening and urban agriculture. Available by CSA subscription, at farmers' markets, and by custom order

The following companies provide soil in Toronto. 

  • delivery throughout Ontario
  • many mixes including potting soil & worm compost
  • One of the only companies focused on the biology of the soil.
  • Formerly Gro4 Organics

(416) 469-4925
located at Queen & Greenwood
  • delivery in their area, and can arrange for other areas
  • outdoor soils, potting soils, mulch, plants, etc. some organic options.
  • also check their facebook and instagram for details

(416) 588-9595
located on Geary (north of Dupont) near Dufferin
  • not presently doing delivery but you can order and arrange a pick-up.
  • selection of potting soils, indoor soils, coir, promix, organic options available
  • all kinds of containers, pots and trays
  • cubic yard bags and loose cubic yards of garden soil, compost, and mulch
(416) 759-5656
  • deliver totes or loose materials: compost, triple mix, mulch and stones

Page updated on 2024-04-29 11:30:23