TUG Networking Meeting

Tuesday, April 26, 5:00-7:30 pm
Riverdale Hub
Greenhouses! Greenhouses! And more!
Joel Fridman from Fresh City Farms will share their recent experience with setting up ground-level greenhouses on an unused lawn of a business close to Highway 427.
Pots Sallapa (accompanied by his architect Eddie Lee) will present the process he has been going through to be able to put up a greenhouse on top of his store, 4Life Natural Foods, in Kensington Market. [See an article about this at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/store-owner-wants-a-greenhouse-on-his-roof-if-toronto-will-allow-it/article28622745/].
We'll take a tour of the rooftop
gardens and other features of the Riverdale Hub space and the Social Gardener
Cafe, in the heart of Little India.
In the second half of the meeting,
we’ll open up a broader discussion about how to expand the presence and use of
greenhouses across the City, following up on the exchanges that started on
TUG’s Google Group.
We’ll also show our new online urban
agriculture map and talk about upcoming tours.
Meeting info:
1326 Gerrard St East, on the north side of the street, between Greenwood and Coxwell
Getting there by TTC:
Take the 506 College streetcar, the 31 Greenwood bus, or the 22 Coxwell bus.
Riverdale Hub is a wheelchair-accessible building.
Here is some information about the
Riverdale Hub is an organization in the east end of
Toronto that houses a variety of social enterprises, unique rental spaces, and
environmental initiatives. Located in a historic building that has been
revitalized to fit the needs of cultural workers, entrepreneurs, and community
groups, the Hub offers many exciting ways to get involved.
And here is some information that was provided to us by the manager of
the Social Gardener Cafe, of the Riverdale Hub.
> I am
working with one of the cafe employees to set up the rooftop
garden - we will be doing some seeding and direct sowing this week.
> We
are trying to plan the planting around ways that it can be used in
> the
cafe, which will mainly focus on greens (salad, kale) and herbs -
> for
cooking as well as making our own tea blends. Additionally we
> will
be growing other plants like heirloom tomatoes, mini-melons,
beans peas etc.
> >
We also hope to grow additional mini pots of herbs, heirloom seedlings
> to
sell though the cafe to customers.
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