Survey on COVID19 and growing food

TUG needs your help to measure the impact that the COVID-19 crisis has had on home and community gardens in the City of Toronto.
**Extended to July 23**
By participating you are helping us understand and communicate the importance of urban agriculture in a crisis, and how to respond better to future crises. All information collected through this research is confidential and will remain anonymous.
If you are one of these types of growers this survey is for you!
Home Growers
People who are growing food mainly for themselves or their families at their residence (such as a high-rise balcony, courtyard or house) or someone else’s residence. Or you qualify if you’re part of a family or a small group of people growing together at a residence.
Plot-based Growers
People who have a plot in a community or allotment garden. Also, this survey is for you if you’re informally sharing a plot with others.
Garden Coordinators/Organizers
Anyone who is taking a leadership role in a garden. If you are coordinating a community or school garden as a volunteer, a staff person working with a garden program, or you’re working with others in a collective garden, this survey is for you!
If you’re not sure which type of survey you should do, or if you have any questions about the survey, please contact the project lead, Rhonda Teitel-Payne
UA businesses are not included at this time, but please let us know if you do want to share your COVID-19 story.
The results of the research will be shared through Toronto Urban Growers channels (website, social media, Google group) and through the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus Feeding the City project
Profound gratitude for the expertise and
commitment of Hélène St Jacques of Informa Research in developing this survey!
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