Learning online
We may not be able to gather, but we can still learn!
Videos & webinars
Brother Nature, aka Isaac Crosby https://www.youtube.com/user/Aisik/featured
Cheyenne Sundance of Sundance Harvest https://www.facebook.com/pg/sundanceharvest/videos/?ref=page_internal
Ripple Farms Aquaponics & Vertical Farming https://ripplelearning.thinkific.com/
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority https://trca.ca/learning/nature-elearning/
Seneca College has online beekeeping courses https://www.senecacollege.ca/ce/community/leisure-hospitality/beekeeping.html#Workshops
Soul Fire Farm also has a weekly series called Ask a Sista Farmer with a Q&A on farming.
Project Diaries has many gardening tips, check out banana fertilizer! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQGv_dy-oLeu5SSgz2_8i8w/featured
Printable resources
Black Creek Community Farm has fact sheets and presentations https://www.blackcreekfarm.ca/programs-2/gardening-resources/
FoodShare https://foodshare.net/resources/printable/
Webinar notices are shared through:
TUG’s Google group
TUG’s Facebook page
The Grow Food Toronto Facebook group
And don’t forget to browse TUG’s resource links http://torontourbangrowers.org/resources
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