TransformTO Webinar May 2
May 2nd 2017. 12:00 to 13:30What is our vision for Toronto in the year 2050? How will we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent? These questions and more were the focus of the TransformTO Community Conversations and events.
Nearly 2000 Torontonians participated in TransformTO events and online survey to share their visions for Toronto in 2050.
From the community feedback provided at the TransformTO events, community reports and other submissions, common ideas and themes were identified.The most mentioned ideas overall, across categories were:
- better transit (transit that is reliable; accessible, affordable, clean and expanded)
- complete, dense and walkable communities
- urban agriculture
- cycling infrastructure, and
- presence of green space.
Learn more about TransformTO - Online Webinars on April 27 and May 2!
The webinars will provide an overview of the TransformTO Report 2 and an opportunity for Questions & Answers from the public. TransformTO Report 2 will identify a long-term approach to reducing Toronto's greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 while also improving health, prosperity and equity.
· April 27 6:30 – 8:00 pm register online
· May 2 12 – 1:30 pm register online
A video recording of the presentation will be available on the TransformTO webpage, following the webinars.