Parkdale Seedy Saturday and Green Fair
March 23rd 2019. 11:00 to 16:00
Saturday, March 23
11:00 am -4:00 pm
Bonar-Parkdale Presbyterian Church
250 Dunn Ave.
South of Queen St West, west of Dufferin
Vendors - Seed exchange - Workshops - Gardening Demonstrations
Presented by Greenest City and Toronto Urban Growers
Supported by a grant from:

Look who's coming!
Association of Bangladeshi Agriculturalists of Canada
Alpha Phi Omega Green Thumbs Garden rice demonstration and seedling giveaway
The Growing Connection container gardens
Toronto Green Community's RAINscapeTO
Live Green Toronto featuring the Pollinator Protection Strategy
Alter Eden - bespoke gardens and hive learning
Composting workshop by FoodShare
Samosas by Rahma Idriss