Goodnight Gardens workshop
November 6th 2021. 13:00 to 16:00
Date: Saturday, November 6, 2021, 1-4pm
Rain date: Sunday, November 7, 2021, 1-4pm
Location: BUFCO headquarters
Price: $40, a limited number of pay-what-you-can options are also available.
The growing season in Toronto is over… or is it? There’s one last crop to plant before tucking in your gardens for winter - garlic! Learn-by-Doing with BUFCO's Organic Master Gardeners Elena and Julia as they lead a hands-on outdoor workshop!
Dig in this Saturday November 6th for a step-by-step demonstration of garlic planting best practices. You’ll learn how to tidy your garden while preserving pollinator food and habitat and how to feed and protect your soil with compost, mulch and/or cover crops... right in BUFCO's own gardens!
Register now for our hands-on garlic planting and winter preparation workshop.
Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Participants are asked to wear masks and have proof of vaccination available to use washrooms.
BONUS: Workshop participants can take home a BUFCO DIY Garlic Planting Kit at a reduced rate of $35 on the day of the workshop. (a $10 savings)
Capacity is very limited to ensure the best participant experience, and health and safety protocols, so register now!