FoodShare screening of Gather
November 27th 2020. All day
About the Film: “Gather is an intimate portrait of the growing movement amongst Native Americans to reclaim their spiritual, political and cultural identities through food, while battling the trauma of centuries of genocide. Gather follows Nephi Craig, a chef from the White Mountain Apache Nation (Arizona), opening an indigenous café as a nutritional recovery clinic; Elsie Dubray, a young scientist from the Cheyenne River Sioux Nation (South Dakota), conducting landmark studies on bison; and the Ancestral Guard, a group of environmental activists from the Yurok Nation (Northern California), trying to save the Klamath river.”
Learn more at:
How to watch:
RSVP through Eventbrite
Watch for an email from FoodShare on Fri. Nov. 27th - which will include your personal link to the Gather Film (be sure to check your Spam Folder).
Click the link and view the film. The link will be live for 24 hours from 7PM. Watch along with us if you can, or on your own.
How to join the conversation:
Tune into our Instagram Live on Nov. 27th at 4pm. FoodShare’s Shane McLeod and Tamara McCallum-Nadon will lead an important discussion on the links between the film’s themes and Indigenous food advocacy in our local context.
This event is sponsored by FoodShare, and is free to attend.