
Everdale's Farm Planner course

November 14th 2015. All day

Do you want to make a living farming?  It is possible!  

Create your own local farm business now!


Only $85 per session!

Everdale trains people like you to become successful local food producers.  Our farmer-graduates are running all kinds of farm enterprises: beekeeping, urban agriculture, small-scale livestock, educational farms, market gardens, multi-crop homesteads, and mushrooms.  Over 85% of our graduates are successful farmers!

“I didn’t grow up on a farm so I didn’t think it was a possible career path.  This course gave me the tools and confidence to create a sustainable business.  I couldn’t have done it with the help from the expert presenters and mentors!”

Everdale’s Farm Planner course is a fall/winter program for people interested in becoming farmers. When you’re done, you’ll walk away with

-         a realistic farm business plan that reflects your personal goals and aspirations

-         a network of support from successful and established local farmers     

Cost sharing opportunities are available through the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association Growing Your Farm Profits workshop.

Register now and get 10% off Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario membership!  Already a member?  Get 10% off course tuition!

 “I took this course through the winter and was ready to launch my business the following spring.  The network of support I became a part of during the course has been invaluable to making my dreams a reality.”

 For more information on any of Everdale’s Farmers Growing Farmers training programs contact or visit