
Crop Planning for Market Gardeners

November 6th 2016. 13:00 to 16:30
Crop Planning for Market Gardeners

Sunday, November 6, 1:00pm - 4:30pm

Co-presented by Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario, FarmStart and Access Alliance

Location: AccessPoint on Danforth, 3079 Danforth Avenue, Toronto

Cost: $40 EFAO members, $60 non-members (Discounts are available when registering more than one person)

Register at

It’s that time of year to start crop planning!  Join Frédéric Thériault, farmer from Tourne-Sol Co-operative Farm and co-author of Canadian Organic Growers’ Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers, in this half-day workshop to begin the crop planning process for your farm or market garden.  You will take away lessons you can apply to your next season and in all future seasons.

Participants can expect to create a foundation for their crop plans, beginning with setting financial goals that can be developed into a marketing plan.  Frederic will also touch on how to analyze the profitability of the crops you choose to grow.

Participants will also learn how to develop and implement a successful crop plan.  Using their marketing plans, participants will develop a complete crop plan that includes field planting schedules, greenhouse schedules, and a seed order. Participants will also learn how to monitor and carry out this plan through the unpredictability of the growing season.

Frédéric Thériault is an owner-member of Tourne-Sol Co-operative Farm (outside Montreal, QC.) Tourne-Sol is run as a workers co-operative, following ecological principles. The farm is in its twelfth season of operation and has now reached 17 acres of production. In 2010, Fréd and Tourne-Sol co-farmer, Daniel Brisebois, wrote a book called Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers, based on their extensive experience growing as part of their very successful farm.