Climate Talks on Food Justice and Community Food Work
February 4th 2022. 13:00 to 14:30
Panel with Melana Roberts, Leticia Ama Deawuo and Butterfly GoPaul
Presented by York University Faculty Associations' Climate Emergency Committee
Melana Roberts is a federal and municipal food policy strategist and food justice advocate based in Toronto. Committed to building a more equitable food system, Melana brings an anti-racist, intersectional approach to her work and focuses on community driven solutions that democratize food systems governance, prioritizes access and equity, and drives inclusive economic development. Currently undertaking the creation of North America's first municipal Black Food Sovereignty Plan at the City of Toronto, she brings experience in local procurement, student nutrition, urban agriculture and emergency food planning.
Leticia Ama Deawuo is currently the Executive Director at SeedChange Canada and has been a leading activist for food sovereignty and food justice for the past 15 years. Previously, she was the Director of Black Creek Community Farm, an organization that works to increase access to healthy food and food justice in the Jane and Finch community of Toronto through food distribution and training programs. Ama was also instrumental in the creation of a number of community groups and initiatives including Jane Finch On The Move, Jane Finch Action Against Poverty, Jane Finch Political Conversation Café, Black Creek Food Justice Network, and Mothers-In-Motion.
Butterfly GoPaul is one of the Co-Chairs of the Black Creek Community Farm Steering Committee. She’s a proud for lifer resident of the Jane-Finch community, mother of two sons, a journalist and is a community health worker for more than 10-years. She’s a resident member of Jane-Finch Action Against Poverty and Black Creek Food Justice Network. She’s passionate about racial justice, workers’ rights, and food justice.