Bringing Treaties to Life
November 17th 2020. 14:30 to 16:00
TUG, Greenest City and Ryerson University's Centre for Studies in Food Security present:
Bringing Treaties to Life
What does it mean to be a treaty person when you do land-based work?
Tuesday, November 17 2:30-4:00
Join us for a webinar exploring covenants relevant to Tkaronto/Toronto lands. What do they teach us about our relationship and responsibilities to land, water and all living things?
We will hear from:
Donna Powless, Cayuga nation, Director of Taiaiako’n Historical Preservation Society
Dr. Eva Jewell, Anishinaabekwe from Deshkan Ziibiing (Chippewas of the Thames First Nation), Ma’iingan Dodem. Assistant Professor of Sociology at Ryerson University, Associate Fellow at the Yellowhead Institute.
Rick Hill, Beaver Clan of the Tuscarora Nation of the Haudenosaunee at Grand River, Indigenous Innovations Specialist, Mohawk College
This event is free.
Registrants will be sent a link for a Zoom meeting, plus some suggested articles and videos for background information to look at beforehand - if you wish!

Thanks to the Trillium Foundation and City of Toronto for their support.