Book Launch What Grew in Harry's Garden
April 2nd 2020. 16:30 to 18:30
Thursday April 2. Snacks at 4:30. Reading at 5.
Knox College Church. 59 St. George Street
What Grew in Larry's Garden by Laura Alary and illustrated by Kass Reich.
If you can come, email
Description from Larry Zacharko:
A few years ago, I had a problem with a neighbour who'd built an addition to his fence just to kill the sunlight on my garden. He lost at city hall and a Toronto Star reporter, Ed Keenan wrote it up. A children's author saw the article and wrote a children's book about it, which will have a launch on April 2. I promised her that I'd start some tomato plants and anyone attending could take some home. So if you want a heirloom tomato seedling, come to the book launch. I encourage young people to start gardening so it would be nice if some more seasoned gardeners come as well as the newbies.