
DIY Mushroom workshop at Ryerson Urban Farm

May 3rd 2017. 17:30 to 18:30

Have you tried growing your own mushrooms? We'll be sharing fascinating information about the Kingdom Fungi and its role in ecological gardening at this hands-on workshop. You'll leave with an innoculated bag of oyster mushroom mycelium that will fruit in the coming weeks, and the resources to do it again on your own!

Here's an quick intro to fungi terminology:

hyphae vegetative growth structure of fungi
mycelium masses of hyphae
fruit the fruiting part of the fungi (these are the mushrooms we eat)
innoculation introducing a small amount of microorganisms to a material where they can proliferate

Fees & cancellation:
Suggested $25 donation to help cover our material costs. We'll be accepting cash or cheques (made out to 'Ryerson University') at the door.

We're maintaining a waitlist for this event, so if you register and have a change in plans, please let us know asap so the next person in line can be notified.

We'll meet on the 4th floor at the North stairwell (245 Church Street, George Vari Engineering & Computing Centre). The workshop will be taking place partly outdoors on our rooftop farm, so please dress for the weather. 

To register: