
A Decade of Design, Future Prospects

March 28th 2019. 18:30 to 20:30

Urban Agriculture in Review: A Decade of Design, Future Prospects

Thursday March 28th, 6:30pm 
Architecture Building, 325 Church Street, Ryerson University

A decade after the launch of the seminal ‘Carrot City’ exhibition which explored the relationship between urban design and food production (, we gather to review the progress made in urban agriculture in Toronto and to look forward to the future.

Join us as we launch GROUND magazine’s spring ‘CONSUME’ issue with a round-table of some of the city’s most experienced practitioners and educators as they discuss their unique experiences in designing for urban agriculture, the opportunities for designers to contribute to shaping projects on the ground, and the challenges faced so far and still to be addressed.  The event will be moderated by noted author and GROUND editor Lorraine Johnson, and will be introduced by Carrot City co-curator Joe Nasr.

The panel brings the perspectives of directors of civil-society organizations, property owners, heads of professional associations, educators, consultants, as well as design firms.  Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order) are:
  • Isaac Crosby, Evergreen Brickworks
  • Leticia Deawuo, Black Creek Community Farm
  • Angela ElzingaCheng, Greenest City
  • Leila Farah, Department of Architectural Science, Ryerson University
  • Jane Hayes, Garden Jane / Hoffmann Hayes
  • Karen Landman, School of Environmental Design & Rural Development, University of Guelph
  • Steven Peck, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
  • Chris Veres, DTAH
  • David Walsh, Carrot Common Corp.

Organized by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects, the Department of Architectural Science at Ryerson University, and Toronto Urban Growers.